EUROSHOP 2020 world trade fair for retail: Media Engineering presents alongside HYPERVSN

The twentieth edition of the most eagerly awaited trade fair in the world of retail has just ended.
EUROSHOP,in fact, is an event that boasts over fifty years of experience and success.
The first exhibition dates back to 1966 and it was attended by 331 exhibitors, about one eighth of those present this year. With 2300 exhibitors, EUROSHOP 2020 has counted more than 110,000 visitors ready to get inspired by the myriad of novelties and trends shown at the fair.
We can define this fair as a source of creative ideas, especially for trade, to be grasped and considered for possible investments.

euroshop 2020


This year at Media Engineering we have participated alongside Hypervsn as Reseller Partner and Content Creation Partner, to showcase technology that surprises, inspires and stimulates progress.
Hypervsn technology, in fact, guarantees an attractive and attractive type of visual communication, thanks to its 3D content that gives the feeling of floating in the air, totally engaging the customer.
The content in fact, is the only way to convert viewers into customers. Therefore HYPERVSN, as Media Engineering directly, offers a variety of superior 3D content solutions to turn any idea into three-dimensional content.
A technology that adapts well to any retail marketing experience, offering a unique brand experience.

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Il 24 Giugno 2022 si terrà la prima edizione del “PREMIO ECCELLENZE ITALIANE NEL BUSINESS”, un evento unico nel suo genere volto a premiare le eccellenze nel mondo del business.

Le aziende candidate sono state valutate sulla base di valori quali: l’ eccellenza, la prosperità, l’ etica professionale, il servizio, lo spirito d’ innovazione ma soprattutto la capacità di trasformare le difficoltà in opportunità.

Tra centinaia di aziende candidate, Media Engineering è stata selezionata tra le aziende vincitrici.

E’ stata per noi una sorpresa ma soprattutto una grossa soddisfazione ricevere questa candidatura in un anno così speciale: il festeggiamento dei nostri 20 anni di attività.

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